Accidentally blew cannabis in cats face. Just as I exhaled my cat jumped up to greet me & was met with smoke. I feel bad, was totally unintentional & confused after reading online the effects on cats with this stuff. Happened hour ago; since she has been very relaxed/calm, laying next to me, & not showing any negative effects as of now. What things should I monitor in coming hours/days, how long until it's out of her system, & will she be okay? Will make sure never to do this again.

Updated On July 12th, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Russian Blue | Female | spayed | 10 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. Mild intoxication can occur from exposure to second-hand marijuana smoke. Clinical signs of marijuana toxicosis in cats include drooling, increased locomotor activity (e.g. wandering aimlessly, spontaneous jumping behavior), sedation, depression, anxiety, head bobbing/weaving, swaying from side to side, disorientation, vocalization, agitation, aggression, drinking excessively, difficulty swallowing, sneezing, not eating, seizures, diarrhea, and vomiting. Please monitor her carefully for the next 12-24 hours. If you notice any severe symptoms you will need to take her to your veterinarian. I cannot say how long it will be in her system as I do not know how much she inhaled. My guess would be less than 12 hours for one episode of direct inhalation but each individual animal is different in how they react (just like humans). Please note that we are not an emergency service and cannot guarantee a prompt reply. In the future, if you think your pet have some type of toxicity it is best to call Animal Poison Control or your local emergency veterinarian for assistance/guidance. ( ) Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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