Hi! We’ve been adopted by the sweetest feral. He allows us to feed him, give him light cuddles and scritches. It’s late in the season but I’m going to try to use Nextstar topical flea and tick on him. My question is, can I use an OTC oral dewormer on him as well? Some of the warnings were a tad scary and I don’t want to get him sick. He’s the first outdoor cat we’ve had, so this is all new! He’s tolerated Capstar and the oral dewormer in the past. Frend and I thank you for your help.

Updated On August 26th, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Bombay | Male | neutered | 10 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Frend is so handsome, and he's so lucky that you have allowed yourselves to be adopted. Using a deworming treatment is an excellent idea, especially since he lives outdoors. I would recommend using Drontal or Panacur. You can get them from the vet (it would be a good idea to get him checked out by the vet, get him vaccines as well), and they are safe. I highly recommend those products. I hope this helps!

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