I have a 5 and a half day old kitten. I believe his right eye was forced open accidentally by his sister. None of the other kittens in the litter have their eyes open, nor are their eyes even starting to open. I covered the windows to keep the lighting in the room dim. Is there anything else I can do to help him and prevent (hopefully) damage to his eye? The eye is fully open. Thank-you, Caron

Updated On September 4th, 2023

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Hi Caron, thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question. At 5 and a half days of age, that is young for the eye to be open, and there is a concern that it won't be fully developed as you fear the eye was forced open. He needs to see a vet right away, as this could permanently damage his eyesight. You are doing the right thing by keeping the lighting dim and covering the windows, and you want to make sure the eye isn't too dry, which is why he needs to see a vet to get checked out. He can't be separated long from his mother, so please bring the mother and siblings to the appointment as well, and I would take them all in today. He should see a vet asap. I hope this helps!

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