My dog has been examined by different orthopedic vets which say that the patellas can’t be luxated but that they are movable. The right patella can be moved up on the medial edge of the groove but not over/out of the groove. My dog skips a few steps with his right leg during the walks. Is it normal that the patella can’t be dislocated but that dogs still present signs of patella luxation? Even though the vets can’t luxate the patella should he have surgery as treatment instead physiotherapy?
Updated On September 12th, 2023
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Answered By Daniel Fonza, DVM 188
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Hi there and thank you for using Pet Coach! Luxating patellas come in different grades. Grade 1 medial luxating patella (MPL) can present with occasional skipping / hopping. The dog typically will do this to get the knee cap (patella) back in place. Grade 1 MPLs typically do not warrant surgical intervention and grade 2 MPLs also may not warrant surgical intervention. MPL can be positional depending on how the dog is running or standing and on exam, the patella is difficult to luxate. I would not recommend surgical intervention at this point since it is so early on and very intermittent. Here is an article I wrote on my website about MPL and surgical vs. non surgical options. Physical therapy typically will help surrounding musculature but will not correct any bone defects / abnormalities (which are typically the causes of MPL). Eventually, the skipping / limping may become so prevalent and severe that surgery may be needed. X-rays can aid in diagnosing as well. If you need a second opinion, I would discuss with an orthopedic surgeon as well for a more accurate diagnosis if needed. I hope this helps! https://www.neighborhoodvetclinic.com/medial-luxating-patella-mpl-in-pets/
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