can a vet diagnose congestive heart failure in a dog just by listening to the heart

Updated On September 21st, 2023

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Answered By Daniel Fonza, DVM


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Hi there and thank you for using PetCoach! When we listen to a patient with a stethoscope to diagnose heart disease / heart failure, we are listening for multiple things. Does the dog have an audible heart murmur and if so, is there evidence of congestive heart failure (CHF). We listen for evidence of fluid in the lungs that would indicate heart failure. Just the presence of a heart murmur does not indicate heart failure. X-rays and echocardiography also aid in the diagnosis of CHF. So yes, CHF can be diagnosed with the stethoscope but some cases require further testing. BNP testing can also aid in the diagnosis. I hope this helps!

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