Is there a way to get chewable flea prescription without bringing my dogs in with fleas? I have three dogs all have fleas. Used fromtline which worked but I kept a eye on them only ketting them out to use restroom and right nack in. Sprayed yard and had to let them out when I worked now they have fleas again... I don't know how to rid this cycle. I'm thinking wild animals came into yard. We've never had fleas and now it's a problem. I don't know how to brake cycle but its becoming extremely fr

Updated On October 12th, 2023

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 12 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. I know this problem can be frustrating. Yes, you can buy Capstar (flea pill) over the counter. It works great but only kills on the fleas that are on the dogs and continues to work for only 24 hours. After that you will need to get them on a good flea prevention and use it EVERY month without fail. You can use Capstar every day for a few days until you get a prescription medication. There is a dog and a cat version of Capstar. ( ) All pets in the house must be treated for fleas EVERY MONTH, even cats, even if they don't go outside. Frontline is not a good choice any more. Seems many flea populations have gained resistance to it. If you want to get a good prescription flea medication and not have to pay an office visit I suggest you go to a VETCO vaccine clinic in your area. You do not have to get vaccines to see the vet and get the medication. The chewable flea tablets (I would recommend Bravecto or Nexgard) seem to work the best. ( ) You need to continuously treat the house and the yard. Doing it once is not enough. There is a great product to use in the house called Knockout Spray ES. It is over the counter and really works amazing. Read the instructions carefully and follow them to the "T". The ES version should continue working for 5-6 months and then you can repeat. There is a regular version (not ES) that doesn't have the residual action but still works great. ( ) Continue to treat the yard. Whatever product you use be sure to read the instructions carefully and use the proper amount for the size of the yard. The one I like is not available anymore so I really don't have a good current recommendation for one at this time. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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