My previous question was answered but I wanted to add. So my cat has constipation, vomiting a little after pooping, I had her on glandex for a few days but now she has diaherra, I was told miralax can help but I do have benefiber on hand, would that work instead? How much do I give and can I give her benefiber daily for the rest her life or switch back to glandex for daily life long supplement to prevent constipation again?
Updated On October 19th, 2023
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 11 lbs
Answered By Daniel Fonza, DVM 188
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Hi there and thank you for using PetCoach! Miralax and Benefiber are quite different from each other. I would not use Miralax if she is having diarrhea as you no longer need a laxative. Benefiber would be my recommendation to help bulk up the stool since she is experiencing diarrhea now. Glandex is fine to continue long term as it is a good source of fiber. You can also use Vetasyl capsules for cats (protein in capsule form). If using Benefiber, I would use ~1/2 tsp added to the food. You can also use Laxatone to help keep stools soft and help prevent constipation. I hope this helps!
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