I want to ask about tropiclean fresh breath for cats. It is effective but it has carbomer. How safe will it be for my cat to be ingested daily? It says 98.96 % naturally derived. Has water, naturally derived alcohol, glycerin, mild cleanser, carbomer, zinc chloride

Updated On October 30th, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Ashera | Female | spayed | 3 years and 5 months old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Thanks for visiting Petcoach. I can understand some of your concern here regarding carbomer. There have been some studies evaluating its toxic effects, mainly when used as a gel substrate in eye medications in animals and this is what I was able to find regarding this: Use: Carbomer-based gels significantly extend contact of solutes or suspended solids with the corneal surface Overdosage: Doses up to 1 g/kg PO in dogs x 6 mo resulted in no observable clinical effects and no pathological lesion No toxic effects expected; should signs develop, treatment should be symptomatic Systemic toxicosis not expected due to poor bioavailability So therefore, there are no concerns here when this compound is ingested in animals (dogs or cats). This is typically the case when dealing with over the counter supplements or dental products in general. If toxicity concerns were there, a product would likely require a prescirption and would not be available as an over the counter. Thanks for visiting Petcoach and best wishes with your pet Cooper moving forward and her dental care. Take care. : )

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