My dog had a flea problem. He was on oral medication for 2 months and used spray and fleas bombs. We are going to see a family who has a dog. Can I take my dog with me?
Updated On November 17th, 2023
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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM 87
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Thanks for visiting Petcoach. I would certainly make sure that your pet does not have active fleas before making any visits. You mentioned he "WAS" on a flea medication for 2 months, so I am not sure if he is current on this medication or not. If he isn't, then certainly get him current on it. Then I would check him for fleas with a "flea comb" that you can purchase from your local pet store. If fleas or any flea dirt (tiny black pepper like specs) are on his haircoat, then it is safe to say that his flea problem is not resolved, and it is best for him to stay home this time around until the flea problem has been completely cleared up. Link to a pet flea comb --> https://www.chewy.com/frisco-flea-comb-cats-dogs/dp/233489?utm_id=401602603&msclkid=825b2ab1773e1ef300234fe6128a754b&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping_NC_Dog_HC_Flea%20%26%20Tick&utm_term=4585169653464406&utm_content=Flea%20Combs%20%26%20Tick%20Removers-Dog%20Flea%20Combs%20Tick%20Removers I hope that you have a good family visit and hope that you can safely bring your furry friend with you. Best of luck and take care.
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