Hi my dog Deogie has been biting and licking his paws and trying to literally pull off his toe nails like they itch or something and his paws are red and his nail bed is a light brown color. Can he have athletes foot? And can I use hydrocortisone cream or athletes foot spray? Please help it looks like it can be really annoying for my baby!!

Updated On November 28th, 2023

Pet's info: Dog | Pit Bull Terrier | Male | unneutered | 9 months and 10 days old | 80 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Deogie. Poor guy sounds very uncomfortable! If he is biting and licking his paws a lot, that tells me he is quite itchy, and that is usually a sign of allergies. It's not a sign of a fungal infection, and it's not called athlete's foot in dogs, it's called ringworm. This is something that needs to be diagnosed by a vet in order for him to be treated correctly, and I would take him into a vet today or tomorrow. Until he sees a vet, put a cone on him to keep him from biting at his paws. You can buy one at a pet store if you don't have one at home already. I hope this helps!

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