Hi! My 8yo pure Aussie bulldog has come up with these patches on her paws, above her eye, cheek and also she has been limping due to a old hip injury where she needed 2 screws and a small plate- 1 of these screws has gone through the bone to the other side and it’s causing a weeping growth on the inside of her hip underneath her. I’m on disability pension and she’s my Assistance Dog for my CPTSD and I’m currently in my 6th and last wk of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Any min $advise?
Updated On November 30th, 2023
Pet's info: Dog | Bulldog | Female | spayed | 8 years and 7 months old | 50 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. I'm sorry to hear that Sassy is having this issue. This looks very serious. When there are metal implants involved you must take her to a vet. The implant needs to be removed (if possible) or the entire bone can become infected (osteomyelitis) causing severe issues that can be life threatening. At the very least she needs antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medications which cannot be purchased over the counter. This is serious and is not something you can treat at home. I do not know where in Australia you are located but I suggest you contact this organization that helps people with veterinary medical bills. If you are not in Victoria maybe they can direct you to someone in your area that can help. ( https://petmedicalcrisis.com.au/how-we-work/ ) Hope this helps. Best wishes.
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