I have a male neutered house cat that is about 5 years old. i found a kitten last week and brought him in. the older cat ate some of the kitten food (canned) and I made sure he no longer has access to it. Yesterday he didn't eat as usual and vomited twice. Today the same thing but he ate a little bit of his own food this afternoon and seems to be holding it in. his stools are runny. do you think it is from the kitten food? anything I should be doing?
Updated On January 3rd, 2024
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 14 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Buddy. How lovely of you to take in this stray kitten!! Yes I suspect it's the kitten food causing Buddy to have an upset stomach and vomit. Sudden changes in diet can lead to these symptoms. Feed him a bland diet of boiled white meat chicken (no bones or skin) in small amounts a couple times a day for a few days, the start slowly adding in his normal diet. If he refuses to eat the bland diet, vomits the bland diet, stops drinking water, starts vomiting water, continues to have diarrhea, has blood in his stool, and/or becomes very lethargic, he will need to see a vet immediately. I hope this helps!
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