I found my 6 yr old cat dead. He was laying in a room (in a spot he's never been before), on his side. Mouth and eyes open, his tongue was out a bit. He had a bit of blood around his mouth, not much and on the side of his face which was on the floor, had clear fluid smeared down his face. The past few weeks he's had excessive dandruff and clumping of fur, which I could pull the clumps out and he'd hardly react really. Any ideas as to why my cat died? Heart problem? Kick?
Updated On January 7th, 2024
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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Hello and I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your kitty. It is so heart breaking to lose them. Without an autopsy, one can't be certain, but most often in a cat without any other clinical signs, it's usually a bad heart that will cause sudden death. One of the most most common heart diseases in cats is called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. It often has no symptoms. It is often not detectable on a physical exam. Sometimes there will be fluid in the lungs from congestion in the lungs that can leak out after passing. I hope this helps to provide some closure and with time, I hope your heart heals. My condolences, Dr. Elizabeth
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