Hello petcoach! Today I was petting my cat when I suddenly felt something scab like and build up near her neck and shoulder. She doesn’t play fight or anything so I’m worried this could be a type of skin infection. Thank you!

Updated On February 2nd, 2024

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | spayed | 10 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Ouch! That does look like an irritated spot that's trying to heal. I would first try to clean the area as gently as possible so you can get a better look at it, and also try to keep it clean and dry to help it heal. If Nina is pawing at it at all, an Elizabethan (cone) collar can help reduce further irritation. Spots like these can be due to a number of things including cuts and scratches, parasite bites or allergic reactions (sometimes from topical medications as well), general allergies, skin infections, and more. If the area doesn't appear to be healing with home care, worsens, swells under the skin, or has other signs of an infection such as oozing debris, pain on touch, feeling hot to the touch, etc, then a vet visit is best to have a vet take a better look at it in person.

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