Hello! I wonder how can I wash my cat's catnip toys? Can I machine wash them woth a pet friendly detergent? Like "Seventh Generation"? I use it on her blankets.. but I wonder if I use it on her cantip toys. Some of them were exposed to mold, so I don't want to wash them with only water, and definately not throw away all of them... Thank you.

Updated On February 10th, 2024

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 17.19 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Thanks for visiting Petcoach! You can wash your pets toys in any detergent you want to. There are no stipulations to detergent. Especially if mold was on them. You definitely want to add some bleach to the wash to ensure it kills the mold. Follow the instructions on your machine to help prevent any kind of discoloration of the toys. If your pet has a known or suspected allergy, then I would use a hypoallergenic detergent or a baby detergent such as Deft detergent. Good luck with your fur baby Bazzel and best wishes getting her toys cleaned up. : )

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