My dog ate a chocolate bar containing raisins, we just took him to the vet and he threw up close to 20 raisins. He consumed this sometimes in the middle of the night, no idea how long they were in his system but the vet said it seems like he threw everything up. We will go back for bloodwork tomorrow, but is toxicity or kidney failure still likely or possible after vomitting?

Updated On February 19th, 2024

Pet's info: Dog | Goldendoodle | Male | neutered | 4 years old | 25 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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It would be hard to tell as every dog will react differently to the ingestion of grape/raisins and chocolate, and it toxicity can also depend on how quickly/slowly any of it was digested. Some dogs may be able to better handle a higher dosage, while others may react strongly to a smaller amount. It's best that you have the bloodwork scheduled, as that will give you the best picture of what is going on for Iggy specifically. I'd also recommend a follow-up blood panel in a month or two, as some dogs have shown delayed responses to ingestion of toxic foods before. Signs to watch out for of something being wrong include lethargy, vomiting, a painful or hunched abdomen, drinking/urinating more, and just general malaise. These are all signs that you should seek more immediate treatment if needed.

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