We give our own Canine Spectra vaccines, have for many years. We have always gone to the vet right around the same time to have the rabies done too. We've never had any problem doing things this way. Saturday we did all the annual vaccines for the dogs then today was one of our dogs rabies day. We've been going to this vet for years but today was a 1st. Vet said we had to wait 2 full weeks after our vaccines before doing the rabies vaccine and repaying for a 2nd $65 checkup. I don't understand.

Updated On February 22nd, 2024

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 1 year and 4 months old | 15 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Most vaccines can be given in a series on the same day as long as they are given in different injection sites, and your dog doesn't have a history of adverse reactions to vaccines. However, your vet will know your pet best and it's best to contact them with regards to any vaccine protocols they use, as they will have the most up to date information on the vaccine type and manufacturer they are using in their clinic that may counter indicate giving it on the same day. The only other thing I could think would be a potential liability issue if the injection is given the same time as a home-given injection and then an adverse reaction occurred, as it would be hard to determine what injection caused the reaction if not properly documented. If you have documentation of the vaccines you've given at home, I would make sure these are all up to date with your veterinarian to ensure there isn't any miscommunication going on.

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