I was advised by my daughter's dog trainer to contact a vet about my Yorkie's anxiety. She is 7 yo and 12 lbs. She started off scared of some fireworks in the neighborhood. Now it has progressed to even heavy rain. She keeps us up during storms because s she's so afraid and we can't console her. The trainer said a vet could try her on some trazadone. How can I get help with this?

Updated On March 12th, 2024

Pet's info: Dog | Yorkshire Terrier | Female | 7 years and 4 months old | 12 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Ellie. I'm sorry she's having trouble with anxiety! Yes medications can help with anxiety, but she would need to see a vet in person to get the medication. We cannot provide a prescription for it from the site without seeing her in person; it's illegal, and against the user terms of the site. I recommend contacting her vet to make her an appointment to discuss the use of medication. A thundershirt may also help in conjunction with medication. You can buy them online, I also recommend looking at one of those. A tip to keep in mind when she is afraid is not to console her. It's natural to want to do that, but it actually reinforces the behavior. By consoling her, you are telling her it's ok to act this way. I hope this helps!

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