I’ve noticed the last month that my cat has what seems to be a little ring around his nipple and small area of irritation . He doesn’t seem to itch it, but I have noticed his neck becoming a favorite spot for me to itch for him. And a small bald spot on his neck. I’m not sure if any of that coincides but here is a picture of his nipple area.

Updated On March 21st, 2024

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 13 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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This does look like irritation, possibly due to an allergy or something such as an external parasite (fleas, ticks, etc). I would make sure Skyler is up to date on any flea preventives and check him and his environment for any signs of them. Environmental and food allergies can also cause irritation such as this, and a diet change or visit to your vet may help find the underlying cause as well as provide you with some medication to give Skyler some relief. In the meantime, I would keep any affected areas clean and dry, and use an Elizabethan (cone) collar if needed to keep Skyler from licking or chewing to avoid any secondary bacteria from getting under the skin. If the bald patches continue, the irritations worsen, or they don't resolve with home care, a vet visit is best for more specific examination and treatment.

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