Hello. We have moved my cat from my partner’s place to mine yesterday. She’s eating dry and wet food, but she’s barely drinking. It’s been over 24 hours here and she’s not peed or pooped yet and I am beginning to get worried. She’s stressed about the new place and just stays under the bed unless she wants food. Should I be concerned?

Updated On November 20th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. This sounds like very normal behavior for a stressed out kitty. If you have not done so, make sure her food, water & litter box are close to where she is hiding, even if this is not the normal place for the litter box. You can always move it to another location once she seems more comfortable & apt to explore her surroundings. Adding an appeasing pheromone spray or diffuser to the room might calm her a bit. Feliway can be purchased at just about all pet retailers or on-line. Hopefully, this will help. As long as she is eating, she will use the litter box. Waiting another day will not hurt her. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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