My puppy is teething. He only has his 4 sharp canines to loose and the two bottom are loose and the tops ones not yet. He seems to be uncomfortable and in pain. How many cc can I give my 14 pound puppy Benadryl?

Updated On November 20th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Beagle | Male | neutered | 4 months and 25 days old | 22 lbs

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Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS


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Benadryl won't help whatsoever so there is absolutely no indication to give it in this case, i would not recommend trying to medicate your puppy for teething, all dogs go through this and although it can be uncomfortable it's usually not painful top the point of giving pain killers. just a reminder as well, all human pain killers are potentially very toxic to dogs.

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