My cat isn’t eating her food. She still appears interested, but only will have a tiny bit then walks off. She has been like this for over 24 hours now. She’s a long haired cat and normally has regular fur balls, but she hasn’t had one for a long while. Earlier today she was wretching like she wanted to be sick, but nothing has come up. Does it sound like she might be struggling to pass a fur ball? If so, what can we do to help her? Thanks
Updated On November 21st, 2019
Pet's info: Cat | British Longhair | Female | spayed | 15 years and 3 months old
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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It's actually very serious when a cat won't eat. If they go long enough without eating, they will develop a fatty liver. A fatty liver is fatal without treatment. You need to take Tabitha into a vet now to diagnose what is causing her symptoms.
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