I read the above answer you gave about the terrible skin conditions with cushing disease. My dog was just diagnosed with cushings about a month ago. We have him on LYSOGREN 1/2 tablet twice a week. He has improved a lot but his hair loss and skin condition is terrible. He has these black scabs all over his neck and chest and now some on his belly and the back of his neck. Is there any thing I could do to make it better.

Updated On November 21st, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Brittany | Male | neutered | 11 years and 11 months old | 49 lbs

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Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA


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Skin changes often take 6-12weeks before improvement is noticeable. You should check with your vet for any signs of infection which would benefit from additional treatment and medicated shampoo. Omega fatty acids can be very helpful for skin repair also as can specialist skin diets

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