I am trying to choose a vet for my cat's dental cleaning. The vet we've been going to for years is a little more expensive but I have a little more trust in them. The other vet is AAHA accredited and is ess expensive but I don't have that much experience with them. What should I consider when deciding? I'm already very nervous about the dental cleaning. Thank you.

Updated On November 21st, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 4 years and 11 months old | 8.5 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Things to look for are intravenous fluids during the procedure, bloodwork done less than 1 week (ideally day of) the procedure, monitoring the heart rate, blood oxygen levels, blood pressure and temperature during the procedure. They should also institute practices to maintain the body temperature during the procedure. You may also ask about what drugs they use in their protocols and if the pets are intubated (which is recommended). You may want to set up an appointment with the veterinarian so they can examine Maisey and discuss your concerns. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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