My dog has this.she has heart issues also.when contacted regular vet he said under anesthesia scaling would be done.but considering her heart he suggested WITHOUT anesthesia.he said he'll put a syringe between her mouth n then do scaling without making her unconscious.woukd it be right?would it b safe for her?can anything risky happen?plz tell all cons.will her heart valve get choked with plaque deposits?her gums r bleeding also so in meantime what can b applied on her gums to prevent infection?

Updated On November 22nd, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Chhutki. I do not typically recommend anesthesia free dental cleanings. The problem is that it only allows the superficial tartar to be removed. It is not possible to clean under the gumline with the patient awake. This is the essential part of the cleaning. Furthermore, without an endotracheal tube placed she is at risk of aspirated material from her mouth. Lastly, the procedure will likely be very stressful for her when she is awake. Stress can exacerbate cardiac disease. If possible, I recommend consulting with a veterinary cardiologist to discuss the risk of anesthetizing her. I hope this information helps!

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