My 7 yr old dog has separation anxiety issues. My Veterinarian recommended trying OTC Melatonin 3mg. Can someone recommend a particular brand of OTC Melatonin to purchase? I'm afraid Xylitol made be an ingredient that is not disclosed on the package. I contacted Natures Made. I was told No Xylitol in the Melatonin.

Updated On November 22nd, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 8 years and 3 months old | 61.4 lbs

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Answered By Jennifer Ladd, DVM


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How about trying something like Trazodone instead? Trazodone works to increase Seratonin in the brain, and can cause relaxation and even mild sedation at high doses. I prefer to use this for cases of anxiety. If you choose to persist with Melatonin, I would use a reputable company like Thorne.

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