I have a 5 yo Great Dane. His left paw/wrist had no movement and drags when he walks like in the picture. He also keeps his head lowered often. He’s had a history of some minor biting and two weeks ago bit another dog. We are in the midst of deciding what to do with him. He was diagnosed with Lyme disease about 15 mo ago and was treated. For the most part he’s been normal maybe every couple weeks having a tough day moving though. Just wanting to know if someone knows the issue with him?

Updated On November 23rd, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Great Dane | Male | neutered | 150 lbs

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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM


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This is usually due to a neurologic problem - it's possible that Walter has a neck issue. Intervertebral disc disease, Wobblers, and other spinal cord diseases would be possible. I doubt the recent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease is related. I'd recommend having him examined by your veterinarian.

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