Ever since our kitten Blizzard passed, our other kitten has seemingly become depressed. Is this possible for cats? And when should we be concerned? He used to play with Blizzard multiple times a day. Now he only sleeps all day, will eat like normal, but no longer has interest in any sort of play with our other cats or dogs. He started sleeping close to my fiance and i whereas before he would sleep with Blizzard. Should we be concerned about this complete change in behavior?

Updated On November 23rd, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 5 months and 9 days old

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Yes, this is concerning. First I'd have him checked by a vet to make sure Phoenix isn't sick. If he's healthy, then I would consider getting him a companion. I'm very sorry for your loss of Blizzard.

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