I've got a 2yr old female Pitt, Dawn. She has what I believe to be is ring worm. Its on her belly, on her womanhood and a few spots on her fur on the back. I've read to use antifungal cream, is this correct? And is there any other advice?
Updated On November 24th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Female | spayed | 3 years and 4 months old | 35 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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No, OTC antifungal cream will not work. That's because the human creams treat for athlete's foot, which is caused by an entirely different fungus than the one that causes ringworm in dogs (Microsporum canis). You need to have Dawn seen by a vet to confirm she has ringworm, and the vet can prescribe treatment. Any other animals in the home will have to be treated as well, and watch out on yourself and family members for lesions as it's contagious to humans. Ringworm spores live in the environment for up to 18 months, so you will have to disinfect the home. Check out the link below on how to do it: http://www.livestrong.com/article/49666-rid-home-ringworm/
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