My aunt’s dog just gave birth to puppies around 4 weeks ago. My dog is the one that made her pregnant. Both dogs are still not neutered. Soon, my aunt’s dog will Be staying at our house, along with the puppies. Will my dog try to impregnate my aunt’s dog again? Or will he know not to? I need an answer very soon please, because her dog will come tomorrow night. Thank you.

Updated On November 25th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Maltese | Male | unneutered | 3 years and 1 month old | 9 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Snowy. If your aunt's dog is in heat again, it will be easy for her to become pregnant. I recommend keeping her and the puppies completely separate from Snowy. I hope this information helps!

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