My black mystery snail layer 1 set of eggs, without a male. The next week, she layed another set. Currently, I have four sets of eggs and I'm not sure why she layed so many without a male. Do you have any ideas? Also, will the eggs hatch?

Updated On November 26th, 2019

Pet's info: Other | Other Pet - Not Listed | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Some female mystery snails can be prolific egg layers. If she has no male, the eggs will be infertile. You can pick them off the side of the tank and discard them. To discourage egg laying, raise the water level to just below the top of the tank. This species will only lay eggs above the water line, so if she doesn't have enough room, she may not lay.

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