Hello, my dog threw up this morning or overnight in his bed but it was pink. When I left the room and came back he'd licked it clean. I have a feeling that it was blood. He's an older dachshund and hasn't had this problem before. We do leave the heat on overnight so I figured maybe a dry throat? Not sure but thank you for your help in advance.
Updated On November 26th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Dachshund | Male | neutered
Answered By Sarah Box, BVSc 147
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I’m sorry to hear of this disturbing finding with Osuka this morning! If he is acting normally otherwise and has not had this type of issue previously then I would recommend monitoring him for now. If this behavior continues, if he has bleeding from other areas, if he goes off his food or is generally not acting right then I would recommend having him evaluated by your regular veterinarian.
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