2 weeks ago, 8y/o Doberman ate mold & resulted in mycotoxin poisoning. She puked for 2 days, fever, shaking (benzo to control + antivomiting med for 1 w) now only jaundice, high liver enzymes. I force feed her low fat small por. She ate 1 can cat food yes+today. I do alot 4 her; SUBQ ringer, herbs, vitamins, Urine test Strips show blood in urine on&of . I'm on Disability, can't afford tests. tried to raise funds 4 her, no one will lend me, should I surrender her or will she get better with me?

Updated On November 26th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Doberman Pinscher | Female | spayed | 8 years and 8 months old | 90 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. I would not give up just yet. If you can continue the fluids & if Maple will continue to eat some food, then you may be able to help her work through this. My fears are if you surrender her while she is still unwell, she could just wind up being euthanized. I would try to switch her off the cat food, which actually has quite a bit of fat in it. Can you just cook her some chicken breasts or hamburger with as much fat removed as possible? With jaundice, I worry about her liver, so you can try her on a hepatoprotective supplement. Give Maple 80-100 mg milk thistle ( silymarin ) & about 800 mg SAMe ( s-adenosylmethionine ) once a day. You can buy this at any pharmacy. I hope she feels better soon & thanks for using PetCoach.

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