I have a cat showed up to my door injured. Left eye clotted shut. I cleared the clots but the eye and the orbit seem damaged. And it keeps getting clotted shut again. Also the jaw doesn't close fully. Left lower incisor and the tongue keep out when it closes its mouth. I am a doctor, don't have any vets where I live. Advise please what to do.
Updated On November 26th, 2019
Pet's info: Cat | Persian | Female
Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM 107
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I’m wondering if this cat has fractures of the skull and mandible that have caused these changes, or if the jaw is luxated. If the eye has a lot of discharge there could be an infected corneal ulcer or the globe may even be ruptured. This cat probably needs to be sedated for a thorough eye exam to determine whether the eye can be treated medically or if it needs to be enucleated. The mouth needs to be examined too and radiographs may be necessary. I think it would be best to travel to a vet if possible.
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