I have a 3 month old male bunny and I have been noticing that his stomach making weird sounds like growling sounds. His poops are also wet than normal bunny poop. He is eating and drinking water daily. I have tried massaging his belly but I think it's barely helping him. I can't afford to go to the veterinarian or get medicine. What does he have and what should I do?

Updated On November 26th, 2019

Pet's info: Small Animal | Rabbit | Female | 3 months and 25 days old

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Butter and including a photo. Gastrointestinal (stomach) upset is common in rabbits and can have many causes: ingested foreign body, infection, parasites, pain, dental disease, metabolic disorders (liver, renal), stress and more. If this is persistent, a veterinary visit is recommended, sooner than later. Keep diet consistent and try to limit sugars and carbohydrates. The more hay they eat the better. Good luck.

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