As I have mentioned I have Pomeranian breed question is my dog digestion is weak which I have observe like acidity n all..after that he didn't eat anything..I got his checup done and all the reports are my question is why gastric issues and why he didn't eat anything..I give him pedigree drools chicken eggs everything but if someone force him then he will have his food otherwise no..

Updated On November 27th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Pomeranian | Male | 1 year and 1 month old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Some pets just have acid reflux due to genetics, just like people. Often-times this can be helped by feeding the pet an easily digestible diet or even just giving a higher quality dog food. Pedigree is lower on the list of quality dog foods, so you should probably start making some adjustments here first. I would suggest one of the following foods: Purina Gastrointestinal EN, Royal Canin hydrolyzed protein, Hill's Science Diet Selected protein, Victor. If this does not do the trick, then talk to your vet about doing a short course of antacids to help control the excessive acid production. Best of luck moving forward with your pet Coco. Take care!

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