Dr. Hinson, our I will try those. I’m not surprised it’s dandruff. He’s had the issue off and on his he was a pup and the vet is aware and they gave us a derm cap but looks like he needs a little extra tlc. Also, I was looking into this product, what do you think?

Updated On November 27th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | Male | neutered | 11 months and 21 days old | 28 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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I would say no on the coconut oil. It is very high in fat and can cause pancreatitis. I really wish they would not market these things to pet owners. Coconut oil is not a cure all for everything. Just because it is marketed for dogs does not mean it's not harmful - veterinary supplements are not regulated by the FDA so I typically don't recommend any products unless they are veterinary formulated and have had some testing done. I would stick with the Missing Link. It is an amazing product. I think you will be happy with it.

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