My dog has this bump since July. been slowly growing since then, & is currently pressuring his eyes more & more. Isn't hard, doesn't hurt him, & no discharge. He is active as normal. Only the last couple of days less appetite & seems uncomfortable. diagnosed by 2 vets. 1st biopsy: not cancerous. But biopsy's result not 100% accurate, so can't rule out a malignant tumor. He "squeezed" a gelatinous material out of it, but bump was filled up again. 2nd vet thinks it's a cyst, & needs to open it up.
Updated On November 27th, 2019
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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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That is a big mass. If there is a surgeon who is willing to debulk the tumor, this could bring him some relief. You could then have the tissue sent in for analysis. You would likely get a diagnosis from a larger sample. Unfortunately, it's impossible to know if this is cancerous or a cyst just by looks. A tissue sample must be analyzed to get the correct diagnosis. An x-ray of his skull may also show bone involvement which would indicate cancer. Chest x-rays would also be a good idea to look for metastatic tumors. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.
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