My elderly cat has just been diagnosed with very early stage kidney disease. We've purchased the renal food but were also given some Semintra to give her once a day. Shes a bit dramatic so trying to get it in her mouth is proving quite difficult! It says you can put it on top of a bit of food, which I tried tonight, but because it's wet food, I'm worried shes not getting the full dose. Is it okay to put it on a bit of chicken? Or is she supposed to stay away from food like that? Thank you.

Updated On November 28th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | spayed | 5 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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It is best to mix it with canned cat food. I suggest not keeping food out for her all the time so that way she is hungry when you go to feed her. She will be more likely to eat it all. Mix the medicine with the smallest amount of canned food (like a teaspoon or two) and make sure she eats that first. Then you can give her the remaining food. Hope this helps. Best wishes!

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