Constant scratching to the point she's red and sometimes cuts her skin. She's only had 2 baths this ye but she's an indoor dog no contact with other animals or parks. Owner rarely walks her maybe 3-4x this yr. She seems to be shedding dandruff like excess as her hair shreds. Vet said she could take benadryl but owner never tried. After the skin wash she gave owner ran o ut t that was it. I feel hirrible, the owner isn't caring for her in this way. What can I do, he wont let me take her to the ve
Updated On November 28th, 2019
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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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She does have to see a vet for this, and leaving her in this condition is cruel. Refusing to get veterinary treatment isn't right, and you can report the owner to animal control for cruelty. If he won't take her to a vet, I'd do that.
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