My dog might eat 3-5 meals a week. Even then, she throws up and has bad runny bloody poop. I've spent $600 having her tested for everything and the vet says nothing is wrong, I just need to find the right food. Given that. Is there any Pill, or liquid that I can give her to make her gain weight? Since she won't eat, its not a matter of just feeding her more. She can have as much food as she likes. I need something to make her gain weight.
Updated On November 30th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | German Wirehaired Pointer | Female | spayed | 7 years and 10 months old | 50 lbs
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Unfortunately, there is no pill or medication that can make Lil gain weight. There could be an underlying malabsorption or maldigestion condition. This may require special blood tests or biopsies to diagnose. You could try a high performance or high protein diet to get the weight on. Any diet change should take place gradually over 7-10 days to avoid stomach upset.
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