My cat was diagnosed with very early stage kidney disease this week. We have bought the special food that's needed but have a problem... Shes only a small cat (around 2kg) and the food says to give cats of that weight 1 and a quarter to 1 and a half pouches per day, depending on the brand. The problem is, shes starving! She would normally get around 2-3 Felix cat food pouches per day. Would any harm be done to give her more? Thanks in advance.

Updated On December 1st, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | spayed | 5 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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As long as she does not have a lot of weight gain and becomes overweight from feedng this much, she should be ok to eat a little bit more. Start with 2 pouches and see how she does with that. You can also opt to give her some treats in between meals to hold her over. : ) Thanks for visiting Petcoach! Take care.

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