i just adopted an 8 week old kitten what vaccines should i get him? like i have another 12 year old cat who used to be indoor and out door cat but she never had any vaccines and dont want my older cat to give my new kitten anything and viseversa

Updated On December 1st, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 2 months and 15 days old | 3 lbs

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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM


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I would worry a little more about the new kitten passing on diseases to the older cat - viral upper respiratory infections in particular are common. I'd recommend vaccinating both cats with the FVRCP combo and rabies vaccines. If the cats are going to continue to be outdoors then the FeLV vaccine would also be recommended, and I actually usually recommend vaccinating all kittens for FeLV since you never know if their lifestyle might change.

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