My dog is 33kg (73lbs). He has known epilepsy. Previously he was prescribed phenobarbital 30mg twice a day and was well controlled on this. He has had increased in frequency in seizure activity, so a new vet prescribed him 90 mg twice a day. Since starting the new dose he has been extremely sedated to the point he cant barely stand. He has been on the new dose for 5 days. I feel that this dose is unsafe and wanted a second opinion on it. What is the normal dosing range for phenobarb for dogs?
Updated On December 4th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | neutered | 73 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Phenobarbital therapy in dogs is begun at 2 to 4 mg/kg twice daily. So for a 33kg dog that would mean 66 to 132 mg twice a day. We always try to start low and increase if needed but he was essentially really underdosed in the beginning with taking 30mg twice a day. He is now on a more appropriate dose. Sedation is normal when therapy is initiated but once the dog's body gets used to the drug (after about 2 weeks) he should become more like himself. If you are really worried, you can ask the vet to run a phenobarbital level blood test to see if his dosing is too high and it can be adjusted accordingly. Please be aware that dogs will never be completely seizure free even while on anti-seizure medication. Breakthrough seizures are common but they should be pretty infrequent. If he continues to seizure or does not do well on the phenobarbital there are other medication options so please work closely with your vet.
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