My cat is 9 years old and was declawed by her previous owners as a kitten (at least I think she was young when it happened). I’ve noticed her favor one paw before and today she was limping pretty badly and holding up that same paw. She also will hold her toes off the edge of my bed if she is sitting with me. I looked at the paw and didn’t see anything stuck in the pad. Do you think her pain is from her being declawed or is it more likely that something happened recently to cause it?

Updated On December 4th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed | 9 years and 1 month old | 11 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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I think it's likely something recent. Limping means Lily is in pain, and unfortunately there are no OTC pain medications you can give her. Many human ones are toxic to cats, and are fatal if given. I would take her into the vet in the morning for this problem. Rest her tonight as much as possible. No running, jumping, or playing.

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