A week ago my lizard showed signs of poop build up on her anus. I took her to my local lizard shop and they said she had what looked like bacteria. Bought her a new tank and new lights because her home was causing health issues. She started to look better and she looked as if she was healing. Now she is bleeding and it looks like pus is coming out of her anal and genital area. Im extremely worried about her and not sure what to do. The photo with red lighting was a week ago. Second photo is now.
Updated On December 4th, 2019
Pet's info: Reptile | Anole | Female | unspayed
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Enola and including photos. The cloaca does appear infected but that might be a secondary problem. She also appears very thin. Diet and husbandry needs to be reviewed to provide an optimal healing environment. A fecal examination for parasites and bacteria should be performed at a veterinary office, as the pet store has zero medical knowledge and now one week has been wasted. A veterinary visit is necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment. Short (10-15 minute) warm water soaks can provide some transient comfort and might stimulate defecation. Systemic antibiotics (oral or injections) are probably required, no only topical. Good luck.
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