Hey, I got a urgent question you see I found this kitten outside my home she was stuck behind a board or something and was constantly meowing I took her home it was quite and was snuggling but then she was meowing constantly I went out to find her mother but noone was in sight I searched the back and the front of the sector no kitten or mother was in sight and now I'm worried if I separated a kitten from her mother I feel kinda guilty and happy at the same time the kitten is about 1-2 months old

Updated On December 6th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Poor Tim! If you can't find the mother, you will need to take care of Tim. Young kittens can require a lot of care initially. At his age, Tim can begin weaning. If he is healthy, he will eat out of low lipped bowls or plates. I recommend to get kitten formula, canned kitten food and dry (kibble kitten food). Set out a bowl of the plain dry kibble, a bowl of the canned kitten food and bowl of kibbled soaked in formula. You may need to smear the canned food and the soaked kibble around his mouth or even place a few small pieces in his mouth. Most kittens will begin eating this way. Gradually reduce the amount of soaked kibbled over the next 3 weeks. The food I recommend most is called Royal Canin Baby Cat. It is made for young kittens under 8 weeks of age: https://www.royalcanin.com/us/cats/products/retail-products/mother-babycat-dry-cat-food Here is a link about raising very young kittens including a formula you can make at home if nothing else is available: https://www.petcoach.co/article/how-to-raise-orphan-kittens/ Lastly, here is a link about litterbox training: https://www.petcoach.co/article/litter-box-training-for-your-kitten/ I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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