Hi how are you? I just wanted to ask a question about my Rottweiler Bruno, he’s currently 9months old He’s been limping around due to high right front leg and he’s being showing signs of it hurting by limping and every time he sits he raises up that right front paw so he doesn’t apply any pressure on it when he sits

Updated On December 6th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Male | unneutered | 9 months and 13 days old | 14 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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I'm good thank you, how are you? I'm sorry to read Bruno isn't doing well He is definitely in pain, and he may have injured himself. Unfortunately there are no OTC pain medications you can give him. Many human ones are toxic to dogs, and can be fatal if given. The best thing you can do for him is to take him into a vet asap to get this diagnosed and treated. I hope this helps!

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