What can I do for my chorkie Buddy. He has been throwing up phlegm off and on all day. Not eating or drinking most of the day. Then tried to drink water threw it up. Tried again and pooped out runny blood. He is only just laying around not very active. Gave him a 1/4 of a Benadryl around noon it is now midnight. Tried giving him Gatorade also. What else can u do trying get him to his vet asap but may not be able to till Monday morning. It is now Sunday morning at midnight. been shaking & weak.
Updated On December 7th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Chorkie | Male | neutered | 5 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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I'm not sure why you gave Buddy Benadryl. That's for allergic reactions in dogs, not vomiting and bloody diarrhea. He sounds very sick, and it's extremely serious he can't even keep down water. He has to see a vet now. Please take him into an ER vet clinic; if there isn't one in your area, there will be a vet on call for emergencies. The information to reach that vet is found on a clinic's answering machine or website.
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