My toy/mini poodle suddenly grew a patch of light orange fur on his back a few months ago. Now the same orange, coarse hair is appearing in strands in his fur on his back. He has had soft, white, thin fur for his whole life. He only had these thick hairs in his coat when he was a puppy, but grew out of it. The fur now makes him appear ‘apricot’ compared to his usual white colour. His skin looks ok and there’s no scratching. Is this possibly a sign of ageing? Or is it possibly a summer coat?

Updated On December 8th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Toy Poodle | Male | neutered | 7 years and 7 months old

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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What a handsome fella. : ) The haircoat can change color as its exposed to the sun, so this would be my first suspicion. However, if you are seeing any brown stained areas, then this is due to excessive licking, which usually indicates an allergy or OCD licking behavior. At any rate if the skin is normal in appearance and not red, there isn't anything to worry about medically at this time. Thanks for visiting Petcoach! Take care

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